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Princess Yachts Arv

En liten industrienhet i Newport Street, Plymouth, var födelseplatsen för Princess Yachts för nästan femtio år sedan (1965). Princess, som grundades av den före detta sjöofficeren David King, har utvecklats till en av de mest framgångsrika och avancerade motoryachtkonstruktörerna i världen. Företaget sysselsätter över två tusen personer i sex väldiga fabriker i och runt Plymouth, och bygger årligen över trehundra yachter.

Arvet har spelat en enorm roll i företagets framgång. I sin position som ordförande styr David King fortfarande företaget, där huvudfabriken finns kvar i Newport Street. Fabriksområdet har expanderat och omsluter nu hela gatan samt omfattar marken vid den närliggande viken. Den världsberömda skeppskonstruktören Bernard Olesinski har översett skrovkonceptet och varje detalj i överbyggnaden för alla nya Princess-yachter i över trettio år, och som kulminerade i den supereffektiva hybridtekniken som används på de allra senaste modellerna.

Även om Princess Yachts International har gagnats av en sådan rik historia, är Princess ett företag som siktar stadigt framåt.

Efter att 1988 ha mottagit priset Queens Award for Export har företaget fortsatt att expandera globalt i en sådan utsträckning att 90 % av produktionen idag går på export.

Princess Yachts var det första europeiska företag som tilldelades ISO 14001 för sin kvalitetskontroll. Dessutom uppfyller varje modell upp till 85 fot RINA Green Plus.

80 % av varje Princess byggs inom företaget. Modern kompositkonstruktion och den senaste hartsinjiceringstekniken minskar vikt och förbättrar bränsleeffektivitet och prestanda, samtidigt som den invändiga volymen maximeras. En styvare, starkare överbyggnad tillåter mer glas i konstruktionen, med mer ljus invändigt och fler panoramafönster som följd. Princess djupa V-skrov ger jämn, säker och behaglig gång för gäster och besättning ombord.

Även konstruktionsmetoderna ligger i teknikens absoluta framkant, och har t.ex. nästan helt eliminerat utsläppen av styrengas på arbetsplatsen och till omgivningen.

Varje aspekt i konceptet; design, konstruktion och ytterst användningen av varje Princess Yacht ligger på gränsen till vad som är tekniskt möjligt idag.

Idag 28.03.2025


Princess X95 wins Robb Report’s ’Best of the Best’ award

Princess X95 wins Robb Report’s ’Best of the Best’ award

We are delighted to join Princess Yachts in announcing that the Princess X95 superfly yacht has won the Robb Report ‘Best of the Best’ award, in the Yacht category.





Princess V58 Open Wins Motor Boat Award 2017

Princess V58 Open Wins Motor Boat Award 2017

The Princess V58 Open received the award in the category for “Sportscruisers over 45ft”, for “delivering a truly intoxicating mix of style, sophistication and speed, with a party boat deck layout.” Stylish and powerful, the Princess V58 Open was first launched at the Southampton Boat Show in 2015.

Princess 75 Motor Yacht Motor Boat Award Winner 2017

Princess 75 Motor Yacht Motor Boat Award Winner 2017

Described as a “boat that doesn’t put a foot wrong in any department, with a genuinely entertaining driving experience and a top speed of 35 knots”, the Princess 75 Motor Yacht came top in the category for “Flybridges over 55ft”. The prestigious prize was presented to Chris Gates, Managing Director of Princess Yachts International, at the Awards dinner, held in London on 9th January 2017.




Princess V39 wins again

Princess V39 wins again

The Princess V39 has scooped another award, this time at the 2014 Asia Boating Awards. Following major successes in the UK and US, Princess' entry level sportscruiser was awarded the Best Worldwide Production Boat under 15M at the 10th annual Asia Boating Awards held in Hong Kong.

Princess 56 wins at the Boat of the Year Japan awards

Princess 56 wins at the Boat of the Year Japan awards

For the second consecutive year Princess have been victorious at the Boat of the Year Japan awards. The impressive Princess 56 has been named ‘Best Imported Large Yacht’, following in the footsteps of the multi-award winning V52 which last year also became the first ever imported boat to claim the title of overall ‘Boat of the Year Japan’.

Princess 43 scoops the 2014 Motor Boat Award

Princess 43 scoops the 2014 Motor Boat Award

Princess continues to dominate the flybridge market with the new Princess 43 collecting the award for best Flybridge up to 55ft at the 2014 Motor Boat Awards, arguably the most important category of the night and fighting off competition from far larger challengers.


Princess V48 Open Receives European Powerboat of the Year Award 2014 Nomination

Princess V48 Open Receives European Powerboat of the Year Award 2014 Nomination

The new Princess V48 Open has been nominated for European Powerboat of the Year 2014 in the over 45ft category. The V48 Open made her international debut in September at the Festival de la Plaisance de Cannes.

Princess receives International Accolade

Princess receives International Accolade

Princess Yachts International is celebrating the success of Imperial Princess, the first Princess 40M from the company’s M Class range of 100ft plus yachts, at the eighth annual World Superyacht Awards held in Istanbul, Turkey on 4 May.

40M Wins Best Production Yacht

40M Wins Best Production Yacht

The 40M has been named ‘Best Production Motor Yacht (24m to 40m)’ at the 9th annual Asia Boating Awards. Jointly organised by Asia-Pacific Boating and China Boating the awards, which were attended by industry VIPs from around the globe, honour the best of yachting in Asia and internationally.

Princess V52 Crowned ’Boat of the Year Japan 2012

Princess V52 Crowned ’Boat of the Year Japan 2012

Princess Yachts International celebrate another win at the annual Boat of the Year Japan 2012 awards. Having already claimed the title of ‘Best Imported Large Yacht’ the Princess V52 has been crowned overall ‘Boat of the Year’ in a ceremony held at the Japan International Boat Show.

Princess V39 Recieves Motor Boat of the Year

Princess V39 Recieves Motor Boat of the Year

Princess Yachts International enjoyed yet another successful evening at the annual IPC Marine Media’s Motor Boat of the Year Awards where the Princess V39, which has received high praise from the worlds boating media since her launch last year, picked up the coveted title of ‘Motor Boat of the Year’ for Sportscruisers up to 45ft.


Princess V52 Awarded Best Sportscruiser

Princess V52 Awarded Best Sportscruiser

The Princess V52 is awarded best Sportscruiser over 45ft and Chairman and founder of Princess Yachts, David King, recieves the Judges' Special Award at the Motor Boat of the Year Awards 2012


Princess Achieve The RINA Green Plus Notation

Princess Achieve The RINA Green Plus Notation

Princess Yachts today became the first significant British boat builder to achieve the Rina Green Plus (Y) notation for their entire range of V Class and Flybridge yachts up to 24m (85 feet).

Princess 32M Wins Asia Boating Award

Princess 32M Wins Asia Boating Award

The 32M was awarded the title of Best Production Motor Yacht (81 to 120 feet) at the 7th annual Asia Boating Awards which took place on 6th May at 2011 Hong Kong Gold Coast Boat Show.


Princess V62 Recieves Boat of the Year Award

Princess V62 Recieves Boat of the Year Award

Princess Yachts International enjoyed another successful evening at the annual Motor Boat of the Year awards where, the already highly acclaimed V62 picked up the coveted title of ‘Boat of the Year’ for the Sports Cruiser category.






Princess Celebrates 40 Years

Princess Celebrates 40 Years

The Company now employs 1,450 people and enjoys global sales in excess of £140 million with exports accounting for 90% of sales.





Princess Yachts International

Princess Yachts International

Marine Projects (Plymouth) Ltd becomes Princess Yachts International plc.








Princess V39

Princess V39


First V Class Yacht

First V Class Yacht

The First V Class sports yachts are developed, the V39 and V52, both with outstanding performance and sea-keeping abilities and widely accepted in world markets, laying a strong foundation fro today's high performance V Class range.






Awarded the Queen’s Export Award

Awarded the Queen’s Export Award

Marine Projects (Plymouth) Ltd are awarded the Queen's Export Award.







The Largest Production Motor Yacht in the UK

The Largest Production Motor Yacht in the UK

In 1982, the Princess 45 was introduced, a landmark design, and at the time the largest production motoryacht in the UK. Over 400 were sold in 9 years when it was replaced by the Princess 455.



Bernard Olesinksi

Bernard Olesinksi

Bernard Olesinski designs his first Princess, the Princess 30DS. It is the beginning of a design relationship that continues to present day.



Princess 412

Princess 412

The first Princess to be built with Volvo inboard diesels (TAMD60-255hp) is launched - the Princess 412




First Princess Flybridge

First Princess Flybridge

The Princess 37 V Hull, the first Princess flybridge motoryacht to be built with high performance inboard diesel engines, is launched in 1974. The model was launched at the London Boat Show following the appointment of John Bennett, who designed two new models, including the Princess 37 to compliment the Princess 32.







Founded 1965

Founded 1965

Princess Yachts founded as Marine Projects (Plymouth) Ltd in 1965